The Fourth Season Of The Crown Revolving around the dynamics of the Royal family members, The fourth season of the Netflix super hit show ‘The Crown’ tries to Flesh out the characters of Royal family members, the...
2020 has been a topsy turvy ride for everyone as the world suddenly came to a standstill and we all got confined in our homes. TV shows, movies and series have been a respite from the monotony for most people. Here is a...
The idea of watching best TV shows with longer episodes of an hour can be a bit time consuming, and you sometimes may even have to watch the episodes in intervals. Due to the busy life schedules, gone are the days when...
With a major health crisis looming over us since the start of the year 2020, TV series and movies have been a blessing in disguise in relieving our stress. To help you in choosing the right and only the best TV shows...
In the era of online streaming platforms, you have been watching trailers for some of the best TV shows that have started streaming one or the other online streaming platforms. The TV staples that you have been putting...
Amazon Prime is the new trendsetter of 2018. It’s time to move on from Hotstar and Netflix to Amazon Prime. The best thing about Amazon prime is that it has something in store for everyone. There are even shows on...