shakeela review

Shakeela Review: A Wasted Opportunity

Description:- As the Shakeela review mentions that this is a movie that portrays the life of a south Indian successful actress who further becomes a symbol of sex in her acting career. The movie had to be taken down as it was not up to the norms. Even the most talented actors, such as Pankaj Tripathi and Richa Chadda, cannot make the viewers happy.

Director:- Indrajit Lankesh

Main cast:- Pankaj Tripathi, Richa Chadda

IMDb rating:- 3.1/10

Genre:- Drama

Where to watch: – Amazon Prime

This movie is very much like Dirty Picture, where Vidya Balan runs out of her house, which is very much highlighted in Shakeela’s review to become an actress and instead becomes a symbol of sex. The story has the small Shakeela shown as enjoying her childhood by fishing along with her father.

The adorable Kajol Chugh plays the role of Shakeela in her childhood. And further, we will see that there is a similarity in the looks of Kajol Chugh and Richa Chadda. So the casting team has done his job well so far.

But we are unsure about the director and the scriptwriter. You will also see Rajeev Pillai, a Malayalam actor, as a childhood lover of Shakeela. But there is no such great chemistry between them. Small Shakeela also gets the role to play Draupadi and wins a prize of 1000 rupees. The demise of her father takes place on the same day. I mean, just let us be happy for some time!

This is what the over drama looks like. The happy and sad events’ pace is very shocking and a bit annoying too. The drama is so overdone, and it is also the reason why we don’t find it much relatable. It looks very fake and a part of a reel life rather than a real life.

She manages to look out for fun despite their poverty and the negative and nagging nature of her mother. But all the good and fun part of the movie comes to an end when her father dies. Shakeela is the eldest sister, and hence the responsibilities of her siblings are upon her shoulders. She shifts to the city of Kerala, which is Cochin.

This brief description of the movie touches Shakeela’s reviews very much, but it doesn’t look as relatable and touchy when seen in the movie. This is because her fame and fall in her acting career is shown very dramatically and unrealistically.

It tries to portray how her being a sex symbol makes the males happy and females have disgust, society’s reaction towards her. Though the movie’s intent is very good, the implementation of it by the director is very bad. Every reviewer of Shakeela review tries to at least think of good things and bad things in the movie, so it looks unbiased and partial, but no one can do so.

All everyone can remember is bad things because that is what movie is all about. It was a moment when the directors’ bubble needs to be broken that not all sex and spicy makes it interesting and juicy. Many other things need to be added to a successful film.

In the movie, you will see that there is no depth shown in her personality and her personal life like it was shown in The Dirty Picture. The audience is not shown who the real Shakeela is. We don’t know what she likes and whom she loves. As we already read above, her need to be an actress originated from her familial responsibilities and her need to earn money.

But when you see her on-screen, you will see no real connection between this problem and the solution. At least Vidya Balan remembers her childhood, tries to visit her parents, goes to her village but nothing like these portrayals has been shown in Shakeela. And this is also the major disassociation that is noticeable in the Shakeela review.

Even the music is not great. No one song will reside in your mind. There are some pretty locations shown in the movie. But more attempts could have been made to portray what the actual south Indian production industry is like. The most disturbing thing to watch is the fact that her mother took her to the director Rajan Pillai who plays the role of Vivek Madan.

And her mother tells her to just give her roles in adult films. I mean what kind of mother can even do that? Her bickering since the childhood of Shakeela is shown as if she dislikes her but then when she sells her by throwing in the adult films to be molested and harassed, we are sure that she hates her.

Aren’t there any other occupations to be taken by this mother-daughter duo? This is another part that is extremely unlikely and very dramatic and hence unrealistic. Shakeela review is the one in which is

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Shakeela: Full of dull dialogues

Richa Chadda starrer 'Shakeela' biopic likely to get OTT release

What are the most talented actors even without dialogues? All the reviewers of Shakeela review will very much agree to the sympathy for the main cast. There is no touch of reality in both the dialogues as well as the acting. So why am I even watching it?

You will also see that Shakeela is not talking much about her personal life and focuses more on her reel life. But even in reel life, she does not feel the need to express how she is forced into something that she doesn’t want to do. You will further see that there is zero interaction of the past and present made. There is only one flashback of her childhood initially and then nothing.

The plot does not seem to move further at all. The dialogues need to be such that they melt the hearts of the audience, but they just made us all yawn a little more in reality. Even though the visual part overdid the drama genre, there is no drama evident in such boring dialogues. Everything just feels very mechanical and artificial. There is no proper expression of negative emotions through dialogues.

In addition to these shortcomings, you will also notice that they are written so that we talk in our day to day life. Such dialogues cannot be in a movie with a drama genre. I am here to watch some drama and all I get to see is daily conversations?

Don’t worry, none of these dialogues will get hooked on your mind while writing your exams. You will easily forget them, and if you don’t forget them, you will surely pray for yourself to forget them soon. There is a huge need to write juicy and catchy dialogues because the plot and script are very predictable.

We all have seen The Dirty Picture and hence we know about the happenings of the movie. Moreover, even other elements are not very great. Therefore, the only expectations of the audience are from the dialogues of the movie. We all need to maintain 2-minute silence for the most talented actors as they had to say and rehearse them for hours together.

Imagine their pain and misery! The dialogues should include some life lessons or other factors such as how the actor views the world, their principles, and what they love or hate.

Dialogues have a great power to entice, cry, laugh, shock and arouse other kinds of emotions in the audience. But as we see in the Shakeela review, the dialogues of this movie are powerless. They just convey the plot and thank god, they at least do so. Both the lead actors of the movie, Richa Chadda and Pankaj Tripathi are great, and if they would have given powerful dialogues, they would have delivered it very well.

They just know how to connect with the audience. But as we have discussed, the dialogue writer did not take many efforts and didn’t show creativity, innovation, and drama. Had they wrote the dialogues better, there were high chances of the movie being hit and successful.

Was there anything in the script?

Shakeela biopic first look: Richa Chadha dons a saree | Entertainment  News,The Indian Express

You will understand that it is simply showcased just like the original actress wrote the autobiography when you see the movie. There are various editors involved, but maybe they didn’t get motivated enough to do their job well. It is shown in the movie that Shakeela goes in the influence of drugs, gets her narco test, and that is when she talks about her life. How d we even rely on the information given by her in the influence of drugs?

It can be anything else and not reality, such as delusions and hallucinations! How can they start a movie in this manner? I don’t know where the narco test people also enjoyed listening to personal stories for this long? It is also very offensive to show that she didn’t dare to talk about her life in her senses but the influence of drugs!

Shakeela review is full of the complaints about the script. The most boring part about the movie is Shakeela herself. This is because her character is very much predictable just by reading the description of the movie. And that was all of her personality, which is full of negative emotions, her craze for acting and to be on the top of her career.

There were zero efforts to add some positivity or the funny parts to her personality. In the movie, it is very clear that the director does not know anything about showing sexuality. It is shown in a way that is not very appropriate and respectful to the individual itself. The songs are not at all meaningful and very disconnected from the plot. Though the movie genre is drama, it doesn’t mean that it needs to be only full of it.

It is so different and full of glamour that no reviewer of Shakeela review would have found it relatable to his or her life. The movie’s motive was to show the humane side of the lead actress, but it is not portrayed in the movie at all. Her life is not at all realistic. There is no difference in her on-screen portrayal and her real life. In both of them, she is exploited by the way males watch her.

The director has made no efforts to show the real character and her personality. There is no mention of what she values in life or what her likes and dislikes are like. You will find no difference between Shakeela and the role it plays in her films in a nutshell.

Shakeela Review:- Broken Malayalam was irritating

Shakeela to release in theatres on Christmas 2020

It is a clear insult to the Malayalam speaking people just because the director did not invest in the dub for her. And this point is all over the Shakeela review by several individuals. Obviously because since the biopic is about a South Indian actress, isn’t it very obvious for the Malayalam crowd to watch it?

This itself should have motivated Lankesh to make some proper arrangements for it. There are particular accent and grammar in Malayalam language, but it died when it came from the mouth of an actress who didn’t speak Malayalam. I don’t know what it was, the less practice or the attempt to make it understandable to the Hindi-speaking crowd, but it was very bad.

Even there is no energy and meaning in dialogues, and on the top of it, the broken Malayalam language made it more annoying and irritating to watch. At least this was a plus point in the case of The Dirty Picture. There was no Malayalam in the movie, and everything was just crystal clear to the viewers.

If the team wanted to show that she is Malayalam, there are thousands of ways to do so. They could have just shown her doing some rituals or the way she dresses or goes to pray. But if the language wants to be included, at least it could be done perfectly. Language is very important, and that is how we convey things to others.

If you want to imagine what a reviewer of Shakeela review must have gone through, then think of it as your friend trying to speak Malayalam all the time. Even though it might look cute and funny initially, after a while it becomes very disgusting and insulting. And how can even the lead actress speak her mother tongue wrong? Isn’t our language very much a part of ourselves?

Shakeela Review:- Full of Bad sense of humour

Shakeela Review: Biopic Starring Richa Chadha Is Soulless And Tone-Deaf - 2  Stars (Out Of 5)

The first thing that the movie is full of is the negativity and sexuality of Shakeela, and when it is not there, it is the dry and bad sense of humour of Pankaj Tripathi. Anyone can understand that it is included in the movie because all the juicy part of their plot is just spent and there is nothing else in the plot.

Okay, we understand that as viewers that you are trying to give us a break from such a negative plot but at least don’t make the distractions so torturous and boring! It was so much better in The Dirty Picture where we can see the competitiveness, sarcasm, courage, and kindness of the lead actress. Her humour was top-notch, and the way she was with everyone was very excellent.

But how can the director make the lead actor say the dumbest and stupid things just because he signed for his movie? I am sure that even the lead actor would have questioned his existence while even rehearsing these lines. The bad sense of humour destroyed the dialogues that every reviewer of Shakeela review will agree.

You know that how the dialogues are a way to connect with the audience makes them an integral part of the entire movie. But it looks like the team is very much focused on the visual elements rather than the verbal elements in the movie. Okay, fine, you wanted to add humour, but one should make sure that it at least makes the audience laugh or think about something!

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Shakeela Review:- Final verdict

Shakeela biopic: Shakeela: రియల్ షకీలాతో రీల్ షకీలా.. వాస్తవ జీవితం ఇది -  actress shakeela will appear in a brief role in her biopic | Samayam Telugu

As you have read the entire review, you have noticed that only the childhood of Shakeela was worth watching. The entire movie is not at all recommended to you all to watch. There is no proper script as well as music. Even the dialogues, character sketches are not creative and interesting.

There is a major lack of depth, meaning, and connection with the audience. The casting team has not done a great job by choosing non-Malayalam speaking actors. There are no much effort put by the entire team in making the movie, and it is very much evident in the way it turned out to be.

In addition to these shortcomings in this movie, the director and scriptwriter’s efforts are to be highly criticized. There is a great lack of an amusing script and a proper plot. There is a lot of drama that makes it boring. You can watch anything but not this movie at all.

Hope we did help you a lot as to whether to watch this movie or not. Now, everything is up to your interest and choice. So, what have you decided? Will you watch the Shakeela or not watch it?

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