
25 Best Indian Web Series On YouTube You Can’t Miss

1. Pitchers

Now, when an Indian web-series makes it to IMDB’s top 250 series list, it must be something huh! The Viral Fever (TVF) launched ‘Pitchers’ on Youtube and their play website simultaneously in 2015 and it has gathered loads of commendations since then. The story
goes around four professionals, who quit their jobs to become entrepreneurs. The episodes are around forty minutes long, however, you would definitely not stop at one. Commendable to binge-watch with your corporate friends on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

2. Permanent Roommates

The story is about a long-distance relationship which is on for three years. Post their meeting personally, marriage is anticipated. TVF in this web series has captured the details of a relationship in detail and audience can easily relate to it.

3. Tripling

A humble storyline of three siblings who take up an unplanned road-trip, due to compelling circumstances. This is the newest series from TVF and focuses on the problems individuals go through living in big cities. It provides great resolution to such issues by bringing in the family into the picture.

4. Man’s World

Y film’s “Man’s World” brings up a wild imagination to the screen and creates a fictional world which is dominated by women. So here is a man, who is the lead of this series and the one who is forced to live in a world, where roles are reversed and he faces all the problems
that women face in the real world.

5. Bang Baaja Baaraat

This is a series that highlights the differences between today’s marriages and how the arranged marriages used to work out for the previous generations. Here is a couple, who get married and hit it off immediately, however the story unfolds in them dealing with everyday family problems and survival of love between them.

6. Alisha

This series is by Blush and anyone who likes to watch a bit of suspense and likes to read such novels would like Alisha. It is the story of a fashion buff from Los Angeles, who moves to Mumbai and tries to make a place in the fashion industry. However, what turns out to her would be far more mysterious. It can be compared to Sherlock and viewed as an Indian version of the same.

7. Life Sahi Hai

Good news for the fans of “Pyaar Ka Punchnama”. This web series could be beheld as a reprisal of the movie. The story is about four bachelor friends, who have their own problems when it comes to dealing with women. Based out of Delhi, this light-hearted series presents the characters and their issues with women in different settings, like office, personal life etc. A must-watch for men and no discrimination against women either. It would entertain both

8. A.I. SHA

This series is unique in its own way. This could be our own first sci-fi web series and has come off pretty well. The production house belongs to famous Raghu Ram of MTV Roadies and they have done an appreciable job. It’s the story of a web developer and his entanglement of the artificial intelligence which he created himself.

9. Official Chukyagiri

Arre’s creation “Official Chukyagiri” revolves around the life of a young professional who enters the corporate world with very middle-class morals. Whether his ethics would hold him
back or he would give them up to become a successful professional is the mystery to be resolved.

10. I Don’t Watch TV

This is the story of a TV star whose career is in question, due to an incident in an after party post a show. It goes further into exploring the complicated world of the Television industry.

11. Hip Hop Homeland

This is a documentary style series created by 101 India. This series goes about investigating the underground dancing circles and is a must-watch for hip-hop and freestyle dancing enthusiasts.

12. All About Section 377

This series is about a straight person living in a flat with a gay couple. The purpose of this series is to light-heartedly bring about the issues faced by the people in the LGBT community in our country.

13. Lovebytes

This is a simple story of a couple in a live-in relationship. It focuses on the issues that two people from different backgrounds face when they start to live under the same roof.

14. Baked

This series is about three students of Delhi University, who try their hand in the food delivery business. The show goes about highlighting the problems they face both in their personal and
professional lives. This one promises to be a great entertainer.

15. Girl in the City

This is another one in the fashion industry of Mumbai. Here, a 21-year- old tries to establish herself in the fashion industry. The show goes about the ups and downs she faces while pursuing her goal.

16. Happy to be Single

This show is a bilingual comedy, in Tamil and English. It is about three youngsters who are single and in search of love.

17. Not-Fit

This is another show from the popular production house TVF and Dice media. This is about a struggling actor and his struggle into making it big in Bollywood.

18. Chai Sutta Chronicles

Produced by TVF and written by their innovative group of writers, this show is something to look out for. It is about friends who sip tea along with smoking cigarettes together and their conversations. The show further goes back into their personal lives.

19. Chinese Bhasad (VOOT)

This show isn’t playing on YouTube but easily accessible on Voot, available as an Android app in Playstore. However, that’s secondary. It’s about an Indian boy who wishes to marry a Chinese girl and the social troubles they face while trying to fulfill their wish.

20. Sinskari (Voot)

This is a sinister talk show surprisingly hosted by our Sanskaari Babuji, Alok Nath. This show involves celebrity guests who are interviewed by Babuji on the intimate details of their private life.

21. Love Shots

This show is for the romantics. There are six love stories to be followed in this show, which are set-up in entirely different socio-cultural backgrounds. Alas, somebody thought of love and romance too.

22. Starting Up

Starting Up is all about a typical newly-wed couple, an Indian techie from the States and an Indian bride. The show yet to be released and it will be more about how the couple cope-up with starting a new life together.

23. Barely Speaking with Arnub

This is a mock show where the host mimics a famous news hour journalist of Indian television. The first guest being Shahrukh Khan, it is definitely something to look out for. Hard-hitting satire and a hilarious script would be key features of this show.

24. Ladies Room

Two ladies Khanna and Dingo and their exploits using six different washrooms. Sounds crazy? Yes, these two ladies with a lot of fun and struggling while growing up, in a very unusual and bizarre setting of washroom are definitely something to look out for.

25. Shaadi Boys

The show is about the hilarious shams three friends get into while trying their luck in the wedding business. Although they are film buffs, they need a source of income and a way of getting to meet young girls.

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