Top 10 Netflix shows like Unsolved Mysteries to Watch

10 Netflix Shows like Unsolved Mysteries to Watch if You Love the Netflix Episodes

The widely-popular streaming site Netflix is loaded with binge-worthy content for all types of audiences. From documentaries to sitcoms, and from blockbuster movies to Netflix Original movies and TV shows, the list is endless.

One such highly popular genre among TV shows on Netflix is the Documentary. Like the critically acclaimed and the iconic mystery documentary show ‘Unsolved Mysteries’, the streaming platform features equally good shows based on a similar concept. And if you’ve already watched the show, then you might want to look at the following list of Netflix shows like unsolved mysteries, streaming on the site right now.

We have selected only the best and popular TV shows, so you don’t have to regret later on. Here’s our list of the Top 10 Netflix shows like Unsolved Mysteries to Watch on Netflix.


Top 10 Netflix shows like Unsolved Mysteries to Watch

1. Haunted (2009-)

Director: Jan Pavlacky

IMDb Rating: 4.5

RT Score: 33%

Genre: Paranormal Pseudo Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 19-31 min

The show chronicles people reliving their real-life chilling and terrifying encounters with paranormal activities, along with enactments depicting those scenarios. People who share such similar experiences are brought together on the platform to discuss among their family and friends and find answers to the unexplainable events that shook them to the core. The pseudo-documentary format of the ‘Haunted’ has attracted a niche audience since its premiere in 2018.


2. Cold Case Files (1999-2017)

Creator: Kurtis Productions, Ltd.

Cast: Bill Kurtis, Danny Glover

IMDb Rating: 8.0

Genre: Reality Legal Show

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 40-45 min

This intensely gripping TV series delves into an in-depth analysis of cold-blooded crimes and criminals confessions. You’ll be amazed as well as terrified with the way Danny Glover narrates the entire crime scene with utmost perfection. The show has garnered immense positive reviews from both the audiences as well as the critics and is often being regarded as one of the best in the genre. It is a must-see for all those looking for Netflix Shows like unsolved mysteries to binge-watch.


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3. Murderous Affairs (2016-)

Director: Raymond Hauserman, Thomai Hatsios

Cast: Chris Andrews, Steve Moore

IMDb Rating: 6.6

Genre: Crime

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 30 min

Here’s a show that will leave you bewildered like no one else. The show sheds light on crimes where love affairs go wrong, and spouses are tempted to kill their loved ones.  The saying “till death do us part” takes on an entirely new meaning in this show as you’ll get to see authentic interviews with ruthless convicts along with dramatic re-enactment of the scene of the crime.


4. Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich (2020)

Director: Lisa Bryant

IMDb Rating: 7.1

RT Score: 81%

Genre: Documentary miniseries

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 3hr 46 min

The four-episode documentary miniseries is based on the convicted paedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and how he took undue advantage of his wealth and status to commit the crimes. The show features stories of Jeffrey’s victims including Maria Farmer and Virginia Giuffre, and other people who witnessed his wrongdoings before his arrest in 2019.


5. Forensic Files (1996-2011)

Creator: Paul Dowling

Cast: Peter Thomas, Tom Bevel

IMDb Rating: 8.8

Genre: Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

One of the most successful shows in the crime genre, Forensic Files has been holding a strong ground ever since its premiere in 1996. The show follows top detectives as using high-tech forensic technologies to solve unsolvable crimes, mysteries, and outbreaks of illness. Originally titled ‘Mystery Detectives’ before 2014, the documentary type show also features the enactment of the crimes to catch the killers. Watch this one of the finest Netflix Shows like mysteries exclusively streaming for you on Netflix.


6. Conspiracies (2015)

Cast: Mark Bazeley

IMDb Rating: 6.2

Genre: Political Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 42 min

To all the conspiracy theories’ buffs out there, hear us out as we suggest you to watch this mind-blowing show ‘Conspiracies’. Host Clive Anderson discusses some of the widely held conspiracy theories to date. From the controversial moon landing to infamous assassinations, and from Pearl Harbour lock-up to some of the most mysterious disappearances, the show offers an interesting take on events that have puzzled us for a long time.


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7. America’s Book of Secrets (2012)

Narrator: Barry Aird, Jonathan Adams

IMDb Rating: 6.9

Genre: Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

This fact-finding documentary series which premiered in 2012 explains some of America’s top secrets. From untold backstories of notable events in the USA like the NSA Spying Scandal, Boston Bombings to shocking revelations about institutions like Pentagon, Scientology, and West Point, the show discusses various conspiracies and scandals. Told through interviews with top officials, journalists, the TV series is easily worth a mention in our list of Netflix Shows like unsolved mysteries.


8. Paranormal Survivor (2015-)

Director: Jessica Wells and others

Cast: Morgan O’Dwyer, Hannah Kelderman

IMDb Rating: 6.3

Genre: Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Paranormal Survivor is yet another supernatural-themed show that is worth watching on Netflix. Each episode deals with people reliving their harrowing encounters with ghosts, poltergeists, demons, and other paranormal creatures. The dramatic representation of the events is chilling enough to send shivers down the spine of both the viewers and victims.


9. The Confession Tapes (2017-)

Director: Kelly Loudenberg

IMDb Rating: 7.5

RT Score: 100%

Genre: True Crime Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 40-54 min

The true-crime series deals with the original tapes confessions of the convicts and the possibility of them being forced or falsely-implicated. Each episode deals with a crime committed by murder suspects and how they backtracked on their confessions. The audio or videotape recordings are carefully analyzed to verify their authenticity.


10. Trial By Media (2020)

Director: Skye Borgman and others

IMDb Rating: 7.2

RT Score: 86%

Genre: Crime Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Commitment: 60 min

The ‘Trial By Media’ is a 2020 crime documentary mini-series follow criminal cases that received high-profile media coverage during the court proceedings over the past 40 years. The show examines the extent to which the media might have had played a role in determining or manipulating the outcomes.

The intense courtroom drama features some of the highly popular and massively followed-up cases like the ‘Big Dan’ rape case, Richard Scrushy’s case, among other notable mentions. The show has received great positive reviews from the critics and has also become an instant fan-favorite. Watch this one of the unique Netflix Shows like unsolved mysteries streaming just for you.


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That was all about some of the series that were worth a place among this list of Netflix Shows like unsolved mysteries. Binge-watch these shows now as they’ll be worth your time!

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