
How to Watch Movies Legally Online

A movie buff but not have enough time to go watch every movie that has released or maybe the movie hasn’t even released in your city. And you are dying in guilt that you have missed a movie? So what do you do in that case? Obviously, the movie will have its premier in the small screen as well, but for that, we will have to wait for an indefinite period of time. So what’s our next best option? Watching movies online.

When I said Watching movies online, the first thing that would have crossed your mind is ‘Torrents’. Most of us have used torrents. But have you ever thought if it was fair on your part to download and watch movies illegally? There are thousands of people involved in the making of a movie and for the hard work they have put in, the least we can do for them is, watch movies legally. Wondering how is it even possible? I’ll tell you how to watch movies legally online (Some of them are paid and some of them are free). Keep on reading and I hope you switch to one of the below for satisfying the movie buff in you.





Talking about movies online, YouTube sure will top the list. YouTube is a pool of videos, shows, series, and movies. YouTube is the first home for all the short movies. If you haven’t yet explored that side of YouTube you sure should. Also, you should also see all the web-series that are there on YouTube. YouTube also has YouTube Original videos that you guys should watch. The best part is everything you watch on YouTube is free. You can watch it on your laptop or even download the app on your devices.





It is a part of Viacom18 and you have all the shows and movies that are associated with them on this platform. You can watch good quality movies on Voot and also the streaming is absolutely free. So get on Voot and enjoy the unlimited high-quality streaming.





Hotstar is an online streaming platform where you can legally watch movies. You can watch movies on Hotstar of not just Hindi language but English and other regional languages as well. Hotstar is not just a platform for movies but also has shows, TV serials, Sports, and Music. Hotstar is partially a free platform and partially paid. There are few movies and shows that you can watch only if you are a premium member. You can sign up for membership with just INR 199 per month and Hotstar gives you the first month free. You can either watch it on your laptop or download the app and watch it on your iOS and Android devices.





Across the globe, Netflix is what people log in to when they want to watch movies or series. But unfortunately, we, Indians, were not fortunate to enjoy the Netflix experience. But hey! Netflix is now in India. Though Netflix is a paid platform, you can be assured that the quality of the movie is brilliant. There are three plans available on Netflix that you can choose from – Basic (INR 500 per month), Standard (INR 650 per month), and Premium (INR 800 per month). And before you select your plan, you can always try Netflix for free for a month. You can watch it on your laptop, iOS and Android devices. Also, the higher plans of Netflix give you an option of watching on maximum of 4 devices simultaneously. If you have more members in the family, you should totally go for the premium subscription plan.





Before Netflix launched in India, Bigflix was Our Indian Netflix. Bigflix offers movies of different languages with live streaming and HD quality. You can subscribe to Bigflix with just INR 500 a year or even take the monthly subscription that is INR 50 per month (Yeah, 50 bucks that’s all that you need to pay). Also, you get a month free once you subscribe. You can watch it on web, iOS, and Android versions.


Amazon Prime Video


Amazon Prime Video is yet another platform where you can watch movies online and that too legally. Amazon Prime Video has movies and TV shows to offer. Amazon Prime has few Amazon Prime Originals as well which is totally worth watching especially the stand-up comedy shows. You can join Amazon Prime Video by paying just INR 999 for a year and you can enjoy unlimited online streaming on Amazon Prime Video. You can watch it both on your laptop/desktop and on your iOS and Android devices.


Eros Now


eros now logo

Eros International launched a division called Eros Now mainly for the Indian audience. Eros Now offers a wide range of movies (Hollywood, Bollywood, and regional). Apart from this, Eros Now also offers Television shows, music and Eros originals. Are you wondering if this is free or you need to pay to enjoy their service? Eros Now offers you three plans – Eros Now basic (Free), Eros Now Plus (INR 49 per month), and Eros Now Premium (INR 99 per month). You can select the plan that suits you the best. The best part about Eros Now is that you can use it on just not on your desktops and laptops, but also on your iOS and Android devices.


So say goodbye to the world of piracy and start watching movies online legally using any of the above ways as per your comfort. You can watch them at your comfort, your timing, and have a complete theatre experience. Also, for those of you who are totally into watching movies online illegally, you so should try the trial for the above and see what you are missing out on. Also, these are very affordable. So what’s your next weekend plan? I hope it is a movie night (using one of the above platforms) with a tub of popcorn.

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