25 TV Shows and Movies that are Perfect for watching no matter your Mood

25 TV Shows and Movies that are Perfect for watching no matter your Mood

The TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching irrespective of our mood are found in a limited number, but then once that belongs to the genre is to be stored for easy access. The TV shows and movies will uplift your mood and help you feel better. The list goes as follows:


25 TV Shows and Movies Perfect for watching no matter your Mood

  1.  Friends

The list for TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching is Friends. Much has been documented about the show, and it needs no introduction.


2. Moesha

The series is perhaps the most-watched. Anyone young and carefree will strongly relate to the film and feel good about oneself after watching it.


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3. When Harry met Sally

You will always find a great fan following of this stunning film and quoting the dialogues from the film. Irrespective of one’s mood, the movie will help you feel better. The dialogues in the film are way different from what is in any other romantic comedy. The character feels and convincing and relatable.

4. Lord of the Rings

The list of TV shows and movies that are perfect to watch can never be complete without the inclusion of this movie. Irrespective of the number of times you have watched it, the film will definitely engulf you in its warmth. 


5. The 100

It is a plot that never gets old no matter how many times you watch it. The writers have proved that they are real heroes of the plot by creating the dimensions to the characters that will sweep everyone off their feet. The characters are convincing and relatable. One can easily connect with the characters and feel good about the entire plot even when watching it for the 100th time.  


6. The Great Britain Bake-off

Anyone who bakes or even if he doesn’t can afford to miss a single episode of the show. The series is the most addictive one, and one can never get out of the hangover of the series.


7. When calls the heart

Is there any person who is not mesmerized by the film or, for that matter, any other film by Hallmark. The story is uplifting and will definitely move you.


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8. Umbrella Academy

Irrespective of the situation or mood, one can watch Umbrella Academy again and again. The scenes have league apart emotions and are totally perfect in all sense.


9. New Girl

All of us are always game for watching the show New Girl. The movie is unpredictable, and one can never be sure as to what will be commented by Jess’s or Nick’s mouth.


10. Criminal minds

TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching, again and again, is that after reaching the last episode, you would feel that it’s been long since you have watched the first episode, and thus, you need to restart all over again.


11. Derry girls

Can one actually get enough of the series or stop at one season? The answer is no I you have started to watch the first season, you will surely reach out to the second season and maybe continue watching in the loop. The jokes in Irish accents will also amaze you.


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12. Bridget Jone’s Diary

One of the most recommended TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching is this Bridget Jone’s Diary. Irrespective of what is happening around you, your love for the movie will never fade. Bridget is a quirky hot mess, and Daniel is the British bad boy, and Mark being a sophisticated dreamboat. The trio has played the characters with utmost conviction and won the hearts of millions.

13. Avatar: The Last Airbender

The most calming and serene TV shows are perhaps is Avatar. Even after a long day to distract you and feel relaxed, watching this show will be a great option.


14. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

The show is a staple for almost all individual who has even watched it once. Watching Titus Andromedon and listening to his witty commentary is definitely a treat for everyone.

15. Pride and Prejudice

The film or the book both of them cast a spell on everyone. It is super romantic, and more than that, the cast, costumes, dialogues, cinematography all have a deep impact on the viewers.


16. Supernatural

A show that has happy, sad, action-packed, and what not packed episodes. The episodes will make you feel at home, and it’s so inviting to watch it over and over.


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 17. Brooklyn Nine-Nine

The show with a great plot and amazing writing but with unproblematic characters, which helps you feel happy, go-lucky all the time.


18. RuPaul’s Drag Race

I can, or, for that matter, anyone can watch all the episodes and seasons of the RuPaul’s Drag Race over and over again. The looks, challenges, lip syncs, and the drama are perfect for cheering you up. 


19. Stranger things

The 80’s music will make you feel comfortable and happy and thus making it the most loved TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching. Watching Dustin and Suzie sing “the never-ending story” is a treat. If you desire to watch something dramatic and comical but not severe, here is an all-time favorite masterpiece.      


20. Schitt’s Creek

The show will make you feel happy, energetic, and whatnot. A few parts or scenes may make you feel low and even bring tears to your eyes, but overall, it’s a fantastic experience to watch it.


21. To all the boys I’ve loved before

The movie can be watched on repeat mode and yet always bring a smile on your face irrespective of your mood and situation. 


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22. Legally Blonde

Watch the film and erase away all your complicated emotions and get drowned by the beauty of the movie. The end will make you feel happy, and no matter what, you will have a silent and subtle smile on your face by the end.


23. Black Dynamite

Watch the movie, and you will spend your time wisely.


24. Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, is great and watch it mindlessly. The plot is simple, and the humor and is light, to follow especially when living with younger siblings.


25. Black Mirror, “San Junipero”

If you have watched the episode for the first time, you will love it, and this love will continue forever. It is the most unpredictable series that catches you off-guard.


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These TV shows and movies that are perfect for watching need to be binged watch without any guilt. 

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