Stream It Or Skip It: Chasing the Crown

Stream It Or Skip It: Chasing the Crown

The television has a list of reality competitions on just about anything that is going on. The floor is Lava, is one such unconventional baking series that is based on physical challenges and it has nailed it. Just like “The Floor is Lava, “The Masked Singer” has also gained popularity. 

With all this, Amazon has bought a new concept with Chasing the Crown: Dreamers to Streamers which is a competition series that pits three Twitch streamers against each other in the hopes of becoming the platform’s next big thing. 



With the opening of the show, Tucker, also known as “Jericho” on Twitch addresses and describes the outline of the competition and the series and also tells us what Twitch is. He describes the series and its premise against what can only be described as a very “gamer-y” blue lit background. 

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Coming to the gist of the game, there will be three gaming streamers – Chelsea (ChelseaBytes), Michael (RedVacktor), and Bryan (Beewhyan) that are selected from millions of Twitch streamers to compete on Chasing the Crown. Our very own host explains to us (the audience) about the exposure and chance to play video games for a living and to earn better prizes.

All the three competitors are teamed up with coaches, all of them being very successful Twitch streamers; AnneMunition teams up with Chelsea, ActionJaxon with Michael, and GoldGlove with Bryan. With them being the coaches, they try their best to aid them on their path to attain victory and generally serve as hype people in the corners. 

The show sees three participants in a Mini Crown Cup in its first installment and then the other participant competes against the celebrity who is also a guest, Jordan Fisher in a “Protect the Puppet” challenge. After all that, the show has some phrase guessing games that the participants play with their coaches and participate in those games.

Eventually, they all calculate their respective points obtained form each of the games and tally the points with each other after each challenge and pep some talks from their coaches like Who will win? Who will lose? All this (and more!) will be revealed in the episodes that follow.


Our Take: Chasing the Crown: Video Games

What we think that it is sensible for amazon to dip their toes into the gaming zones. Prime’s Crown Channel has obviously attained success with its presence. It is really interesting to watch a different and somewhat similar content that this series has on the existing platforms that is a paid one and a somewhat content that can be found on the platforms that are free ones.

This goes around the internet you see! With much of our knowledge, people have been doing this a lot on YouTube and other sites for a while. But with Prime, there’s some alluring factor that makes its audience indulge more and more into it. Moreover, the allure that Prime catches by being coached by Twitch stars but this doesn’t seem like Prime could pull off. 

Talking about the host, Tucker, he did a perfect job and that is the reason that he has a massive fan following all over the internet. He seems to fit perfectly in that gaming niche and a man with that extra spark in him. Also, we have all the reasons as to why all the coaches are so successful and talented in their respective niches.

Especially Gold Glove, who is something of a Twitch pioneer. His banter with his mentee Bryan is pretty much some of the best stuff the episode has to offer. The other competitors don’t really have the spark Bryan has, making the competition not nearly as exciting as it could be.

With this series, we think that it is a perfect time routine to have a conference-like feeling that happens on Zoom and come straight to your bedroom with your favourite players playing with the competitors with the cheesy background green screened. This shows That said, if this kind of thing is your jam, and Twitch is your addiction, maybe it’s right up your alley. It just doesn’t have the energy to make new fans of those who know nothing about gaming or this area of streaming.

Parting Shot: the show wraps up with a send-off from Tucker against that techno-blue background once more, advising us to follow the streamers we just met and prepare for the next episode.

Sleeper Star: Bryan (Beewhyan) is easily the most likable of the gang right out of the gate, and has a totally infectious smile (a fact confirmed by his coach, GoldGlove). While the other streamers seem to be putting on characters, and out of all Bryan leans more genuine, cracking jokes and struggling to suppress his own giggles during some of the competition’s goofier moments. (He also used to model for Calvin Klein) 

The most Pilot-y Line: Has there ever been a more pilot-y reality show line than any variation on “I’m here to win” or “I’m not here to make friends”? Well, Chasing the Crown checks that box within the first ten minutes when Chelsea says “I’m in here trying to win!”

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Our Call:

In our view, if you aren’t a gaming or a Twitch or anything like that along with those lines, even then “Chasing the Crown” will be one such show you’ll be hooking up to. But if you are a fan, this is just a ticket for you. Yes! This is the other  way round. We are sure that these gaming and streaming platforms gear you up with the sporty spirit inside you.

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