
6 Best films on Amazon Prime: The Best Movies to watch during Lockdown


To spend this lockdown, we’ve been streaming a lot of shows and movies on online streaming platforms which have helped us cope with the hectic routines and stress. All the streaming platforms; Amazon Prime, Netflix, and Hotstar have provided some amazon content to watch for a lifetime experience. This 21-days lockdown will pass in a jiffy and you would be happy to binge-watch movies, which will have a different impact on your life and mind.

Best films on Amazon Prime 2020

 1. DARKEST HOUR (2017)

IMDb Review : This movie is a one-man show about one of the famous figures of the 20th Century and what a great show it is. Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour has been able to portray the same outstanding commitment and extraordinary results. Joe Wright, the outstanding director of “Atonement,” presents to us an irresistible and commendable version of Churchill through the magic powers of Oldman.

Critic Review: The film Darkest Hour is quite a good movie if you like thriller; it’s not dull, the performances of the actors are good and at the notch. The excellent thing is the production design. The script is a professional piece of work, and even Oldman’s make-up is commendable.

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Netflix

Our Ratings: 4.7


2. ME BEFORE YOU (2016)

IMDb Review: Me Before You is a beautiful romantic drama based on Jojo Moyes’ best selling novel about a young woman in a tiny city of England who takes the job of caring for a paralyzed man, and makes him believe in living life again. The two main protagonists learn a lot from each other, especially about opening themselves and viewing different perspectives of life. Especially for Will, who has given up his wish to live. 

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Critic Review: This movie was successful in delivering a clear impression of romance in the viewer’s minds. It communicates how disabled people think that their lives are not worth living, even when they have love and care of their close ones. This story unfolds into teaching how every life matters in a different way. Watching this movie will give you a different perspective in life.

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Netflix

Our Rating: 4.3



IMDb Review: Fantastic Mr Fox is a proud analogue animated movie, making its improvised way into the digital industry. The 3D view, computerized creatures that swoop and soar off in your screen these days, the beautiful display of every animal in an animated way in this project has shown is incredible. A chance to watch this movie feels more like an extended episode of imaginative play. 

Critic Review: The spirit of this movie completely feels like a self-conscious juvenile portraying his work from the beginning, providing a theme for Rushmore and a sensibility for everything else. The quality of all the performers shown in the movie is incredible, and also displays the stubborn reluctance of the characters.

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video

Our Rating: 4.6


4. THE UPSIDE (2019)

IMDb Review: This movie is based on the French film The Intouchables, which is based on a true story. The characters of this movie start as stereotypes, as you’ll see how a wealthy older white man grants the great chances to black ex-con, but throughout their journey of friendship, the story develops insight and shows the empathy for their struggles towards each other.

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Critic Review: The movie reflects that well grown-up people can awkwardly attempt to be kind and instead of displaying pity, while for some of the people it’s easier to just ignore the disabled. 

Where to Watch: Netflix

Our Rating: 4.7



IMDb Review: Manchester by the sea is such an extraordinary movie; wonderfully created, rich and textured drama draws upon the timeless themes of redemption, and the guilt felt by characters in such a way that feels fresh. The emotion in the movie is never overbearing; instead, it feels real all the time. The credit belongs to writing as much as to the fantastic performances of all the actors.

Critic Review: The film is about Lee and his internal journey from disaster to a much more hopeful life. It’s about his nephew, portrayed by Lucas Hedges. His fight against his own self to cope with his father’s death. Michelle Williams’ performance is a treasure to behold in the movie. 

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime Video, Netflix

Our Ratings: 4.8


6. MIDSOMMAR (2019)

IMDb Review: Midsommar is the story about a group of American grad students on a trip to a mysterious midnight sun festival in Sweden. This movie has potential to bring a slow-burning, boldly-made meditation on grief.  It is about the disintegration of a relationship in the loose frame of a folk horror film. It’s an admirably strange film made by a new filmmaker to display his potential in the movie industry. 

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Critic Review: The film showed no rush to introduce to the audience. the Harga; a peculiar, always-happy-go tribe, who have taken charge over an idyllic meadow surrounded by forest. This movie might not be a masterpiece but for fun, it’s surely a one-time watch movie. 

Where to Watch: Netflix

Our Ratings: 4.2


The streaming platform becomes the main source for all of us to watch movies, TV shows, and web series as fast as we can, and there is no way for us to do it without any movie hunt. We’re hoping that this list will grant you some time to think and watch some meaningful movies. All the listed movies are a must watch. Binge watch to gain insights on the world outside your daily routine, to stay entertained in the most relaxed way; on a sofa, with a bucket full of popcorn! 

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