10 Best Superhero Movies on Netflix India

The 10 Best Superhero Movies on Netflix India

People across ages cannot deny their urge to watch some best superhero movies every now and then. Some real characters in life will remind us of Iron Man or Green Lantern or Batman and we’re motivated to go home and see them in action. 

We need not buy DVDs and download movies these days, thanks to our online streaming platforms that now host a whole lot of superhero movies. If you are also craving to watch some superheroes in action, we have curated a list for the best superhero movies on Netflix India that you can watch now.


The 10 Best Superhero Movies on Netflix India


The Amazing Spider-Man series will keep you entertained for sure. It has a similar storyline like the original Spider-Man movies. Andrew Garfield plays Peter Parker in this series. He is bitten by a radioactive spider and must fight the lizard when his family is away on vacation. You will not regret binge-watching The Amazing Spider-Man any weekend. 



A league is better than a single superhero. Isn’t it? Obviously! We all love a group of superheroes and that is what the Justice League movie offers. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Flash all on one screen is a delight to watch and a pleasure for all superhero fanatics. Gather some snacks and get cozy on a sofa to watch the adventure.


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Upon being the chosen one by the Ring, Hal Jordan, a test pilot is presented with superhuman powers. He is identified by the name Green Lantern after that because of the green light that emits from his powerful ring. In the movie, the superhero can use the ring to hypnotize people, pass through solid objects, become invisible, travel in time, and heal among other powers. The story revolves around fighting against the evil Parallax to save the earth. Ryan Reynolds is the lead superhero in this thriller superhero movie. 


4. WONDER WOMAN – 2017

This is a high-flying action from Gal Gadot. You should not miss this one if you are hungry for such action. As a Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot’s deadly action will leave you wanting to see more. In the movie, she is seen coming from an all-female world and stepping into a man’s world when she knows that there is a war against mankind. Wonder woman is one of the best superhero movies on Netflix and will give you the perfect feel of an action film if you are deciding which one to watch. 



For Batman fans, this one is a perfect fit. The story features a dramatic turn of events and some excellent work post-production. The moment you think everything is lost, Batman will come and save the day. Isn’t that the most attractive part of superhero movies? All the happy feels that gush in during the on-screen triumphs. Watch this one alone plan to watch the series including The Dark Knight and then The Dark Knight Rises. 


 6. THE AVENGERS – 2012

Any superhero movie list cannot complete itself without the mention of an Avengers movie. Avengers is Marvel’s most successful movie series that ended in 2011 with the movie Infinity War. The Avengers (2012) will not make you feel that there is an end and you can still enjoy the rush of this Marvel film to the fullest. 


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7. IRON MAN 3-2013

Iron Man 3 has not captured the same vibe as that of the first film. The first film was way better than Iron Man 2.  For this one, the creators of the film adapted some of the best Iron Man stories such as Extremis and more and made a film out of them. Robert Downey Jr plays the role of Tony Stark and has done just fine in acting. Also, Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin is just wonderful. A must watch a superhero movie. 


8. BATMAN NINJA- 2018 

Before appreciating the movie; a disclaimer that this film may not be to everyone’s liking. We take it on our list for the best superhero movies because it is completely different from the Dark Knight and his Rouge’s Gallery. We enjoy the fact that the movie has done something that wasn’t cookie-cutter superheroes. If you like animation, this Batman film is for you. 


9. WATCHMEN- 2009

Watchmen is the comic book that changed the meaning of comic books forever. This was when comic books got a chance at the big screen. This was in 2009 when the movie was released. The ending of the film was tweaked for the movie, maintaining the spirit of the comic book. The movie was way different from the Watchmen TV show that had no business being associated with such a legendary comic book. Skip the show and watch the film instead. 



The first film was such a sleeper hit that fans were not ready for the laughs and heart that the Guardians of the Galaxy brought to the MCU. Volume 2 adds a lot to the mythos of the MCU in the form of Ego the living planet but still retained that same heart and spirit that made the first film such a great watch. If you’ve seen the first film, the sequel is truly a worthy successor. 


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Too much action on the article already! Get ready to watch these movies with your family or friends as all of them are streaming on Netflix India. These movies leave a thrill inside you, make you feel powerful as if all superpowers are bestowed upon you too! 

Hope you enjoy watching these best superhero movies. 

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