Is Mulan on Netflix?

Is Mulan on Netflix?

This year almost everything got messy because of the pandemic going on and it will continue for the rest of the months. Entertainment is made easier by the streaming movies and web series on various platforms like Netflix, Disney Plus, etc. The question that arises is, Is Mulan on Netflix?


Is ‘Mulan’ on Netflix?

Talking about Mulan, the movie is very much in a discussion about its streaming and release. The animated movie, Mulan has its older version in 1998 and was directed by Barry Cook Cook and Tony Bancroft and was featuring some iconic voices like Ming-Na Wen, Eddie Murphy, Miguel Ferrer, and BD Wong has now released in its very own different style in 2020.

 Niki Caro as its Director, the film features stars Yifei Liu, Donnie Yen, Tzi Ma, Jason Scott Lee, Loson An, Ron Tuan, Gong Li and Jet Li. With all the chaos of the pandemic going on, the big question is where can we actually watch Mulan and get ourselves entertained by the folk story of Imperial China. 

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Mulan can be watched at home at Disney Plus and it’s new ‘Premier Access’ experiment allows you to watch it from everywhere. The ‘Premier Access’ is a new feature in Disney Plus where members can pay a one-time fee to stream Mulan as many times as they want. Being a Disney Plus subscriber, you can avail of this service without any demand and with no limits, you can watch the movie as often as you want. 


That last bit is crucial; you need a Disney Plus membership (INR 299/ month or INR 1499/year for a premium membership) to begin with. Subscribers can then watch Mulan whenever they want, and on any device that supports Disney Plus.


So, is Mulan on Netflix? Netflix has recently removed Mulan and so Disney Plus has kept this feature for all its viewers and subscribers to watch this super amazing movie number of times with their friends and family because Mulan 2020 cannot be streamed from anywhere. For time being, we just have this monotonous thing to watch from our home and not in the theaters.

So it’s better to get a Disney Plus subscription for this hassle-free watch anytime and anywhere you want. 


But you don’t have much time for this super amazing deal. By early November, the film will no longer be eligible to be purchased even if you have the subscription. As per Disney’s Premier Access feature, the offer will be available till 2nd November 2020 at 23:59 PT. 

You won’t be able to get a cinematic experience for this animated movie but it will cost you similar to seeing the movie in the theatre. But that’s how you get to keep entertaining yourself in this pandemic crisis. 

Interesting read : Movie Review Mulan : “Worth the Wait” or “Trash”?


So hurry up people you don’t have much time to grab this offer, avail it now, or else you have to keep for the end of this year to get it available for every Disney Plus subscriber. 

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