DESCRIPTION: The movie revolves around the fascination of an 18-year-old village boy named Ravi with the computer and internet world. How the curiosity arose when Ravi Meets hybath, who opens a computer gaming center...
In the days of swipe right and swipe left, do men still use pick-up lines? If you are going to say a no then I don’t know which world you are living in. Pick-up lines are never going to be old school even today. Pick-up...
The year 2020 has been a blast for everyone. The deaths of people in the pandemic, sorrow of losing close relatives, fear of being infected to Covid-19, helplessness in quarantine has made everyone’s life hell...
Description:- As the Shakeela review mentions that this is a movie that portrays the life of a south Indian successful actress who further becomes a symbol of sex in her acting career. The movie had to be taken down as...
Narrowing down the 15 best motion pictures in any kind is extreme, yet for lesbian movies, you need in any case a reductive inquiry: What is a lesbian film? What, truth be told, is a lesbian? (In any case, that is an...
In spite of the fact that they’ve gotten more convoluted and complex over the long run, comedies are as yet the extraordinary equalizer. At the point when you can’t sort out what to watch, nothing beats a...
There are times when you need to go out from the real world to have a better time and get refreshed. Day-to-day activities are boring and for a proper refreshment what can be better than the fantasy shows on TV that...
Watching top regional non-Hindi films during this country will feel a small amount like traveling off the crushed path. It’s such as you ditched the popular things and went native, stayed in AN Airbnb rather than...
From the last few years, Hotstar has made a very strong impact on the OTT platform. And the content it has provided is amazing and there is no denying the fact how Indian audiences are drooling to binge this amazing...
Do you love horror movies? If yes, then how do you watch them? Do you watch them with your hands over your eyes as you peek from between your fingers? Or as if you are used to watching horror and are familiar, as well...