
Master movie review: A Worthy Big Theatrical Blockbuster!

Description: An alcoholic professor, Professor JD, takes up a three-month teaching job in the juvenile prison. This prison is ruled by the antagonist Bhavani. The story revolves around how professor JD rescues...

‘Bhoomi’ Movie Review: One of the most improbable storylines of 2021!

Description: A NASA scientist, Bhoominathan, invents a pill that alters the human respiratory system so that a human will be able to breathe in carbon dioxide and thus survives on Mars. But during his...

‘Pulikkuthi Pandi’ movie review: Muthaiah’s rural flick with a engaging climactic twist

Plot Summary of Pulikkuthi Pandi: A young, aggressive lad (Pandi) is an orphan from a village in Tamil Nadu. He has a heart of gold but is a ruffian with cases of a few petty crimes registered under his name...

Category - Tamil Movie Reviews

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