15 Best and 15 Worst TV shows

15 Best and 15 Worst TV shows of the Decade, According to Fans

In the world of virtualization, we go through a number of ranked shows but hardly have any idea about the authenticity of its contents. So, here we have mentioned both 15 Best and 15 Worst TV shows of the Decade, According to Fans.


15 Best and 15 Worst TV shows of the Decade, According to Fans

15 Best TV Shows of the Decade

1. Planet Earth II

Based on the 2006 sequel, it is filled with exotic nature clips that would make anybody fall for it. 

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2. Rick and Morty

The animated comedy series is not only meant for children but caters to your nostalgia as well.


3. Chernobyl

An interesting watch based on the life of the nuclear physicist Valery Legasov and his research on radioactivity. 


4. Longmire

Portrays the life of Walt Longmire (Robert Taylor) based on the mystery novel of Craig Johnson, who is just a sheriff in the story. 


5. Making a Murder

The ten-part documentary deals with Steven Avery, who has been convicted for a sexual assault but unfolds secrets with the time.


6. Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

It takes the viewers through the journey of a rock bank, and how the lead singer decides to make a comeback after years. 

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7. Rectify

After spending a life of a convict behind bars for the rape and murder of his girlfriend, he gets released based on DNA evidence. 


8. Sherlock

Based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character, Sherlock, the three-part series retells the nostalgic story with a modern setting. 


9. Ash Vs. Evil Dead

Though a horror series, the series has a sense of comic relief in it. It narrates the journey of three individuals and their debate with evil once and for all. 


10. Our Planet

Unfolding the beauty of wildlife and nature of the Blue Planet, the eight-part Netflix series is quite popular among the wildlife lovers. 


11. Better Call Saul

Based on the life of Albuquerque lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), the Breaking Bad spin-off series is the best one that you’ll come across if you’re a fan of biographies and documentaries. 


12. Fargo

Deriving its existence from the Coen brothers’ Oscar-winning film, Fargo marks the major changes in the life of the insurance salesman, Lester Nygaard. There are also other characters in the show that makes it absolutely a treat to watch. 


13. Justified

Based on the life of US Marshal Raylan Givens, Justified was set in the 19th century. We are introduced to the personality which comes across the odds in the professional world just to seek justice for individuals. 

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14. Frozen Planet

The popular Discovery and BBC series enriched with wildlife, covers the life from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Directed by Alec Baldwin, the documentary series sets the mood and takes us to another world. 


15. Marvel’s Daredevil

The story takes us through the life of Matt Murdock, who happens to be a blind lawyer fighting for justice. What’s interesting to watch is that, at night, the same individual transforms himself into a daredevil.


15 Best TV Shows of the Decade

1. Are We There Yet?

Based on the 2005 movie where Nick was seen in the role of the Ice Cube. The protagonist has to go ahead and convince the kids of his date, Suzanne before he could marry her.

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2. Amish Mafia

The Discovery Channel reality show features a small group of men whose main aim is to protect the wild animals and maintain peace and order in Lancaster County. 


3. We Are Men

The movie revolves around the lives of three men who move into a rental complex. It will, however, be interesting to see how the three men bond up with each other. 


4. Allen Gregory

The animated series focus on the life of the seven-year-old and his journeys in life. The character has been voiced by Hill and created by three dear friends, namely, Jonah Hill, Andrew Mogel, and Jarred Paul. 


5. The Leisure Class

It takes the viewers through the conman’s life, whose goal in life is to marry the daughter of the senator in the US. However, his plans take a back seat when his not-so-friendly brother arrives. 


6. White People

The MTV show, White People, casts Jose Antonio Vargas, who travels from one city to another in the United States, and talks to the young people about different races and knows their views about it for his documentary. 

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7. Sex Box

Based on a British show, Sex Box features a series of discussion among the hosts namely, Chris Donaghue, Fran Walfish, and Yvonne Capehart, with three couples who are asked to have sex on the on-stage sex box. 


8. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency

Previously made as a BBC comedy in 2012, the show narrates the story of the detective, Dirk, who is ardently followed by his assistance, Todd, who goes on investigating cases together. 


9. The Night Of

Created by Richard Price and Steven Zaillian, the particular crime drama series, gives us a magnified view of the justice system of New York. There are quite some characters in the series alongside that makes it more interesting. 


10. BoJack Horseman

It is a popular animated comedy that takes the viewers through the struggles of the former sitcom half-horse, half-man star while living in Los Angeles. 


11. The Ricky Gervais Show

The series derives the existence from the series of podcasts that Stephen and Gervais did long back. In the comedy series, the two friends come along and include their third friend Karl Pilkington as well. 


12. Suits

The legal drama features a drop-out, namely Mike Ross, who comes across Harvey Specter, one of the best legal advisors in New York. The duo becomes a winning team and makes the leader realize about life’s purpose. 


13. I Wanna Marry Harry

The FOX TV show invites twelve contestants from the United States, and are given the challenges to meet Harry and win his heart for marriage – but he isn’t a royal and just a look-a-like. 

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14. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo

Focusing on the six-year-old beauty queen and her family, the show takes the viewers through the series of drama that all of them encounter in the process. 


15. The Real Housewives of Miami

The show clarifies the viewers into the elite section of the society, and we get a sneak peek about their lifestyle. 

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