Description: An alcoholic professor, Professor JD, takes up a three-month teaching job in the juvenile prison. This prison is ruled by the antagonist Bhavani. The story revolves around how professor JD rescues and...
Description: A NASA scientist, Bhoominathan, invents a pill that alters the human respiratory system so that a human will be able to breathe in carbon dioxide and thus survives on Mars. But during his vacation, he comes...
Description: A filthy-rich businessman searches for an ideal groom for her daughter but after finding out the groom is not that rich, he insults the pundit named Jai Kishan. Out of revenge, he gets by marrying the...
Description: -The newly released movie Chhalaang intends to take you on a comical rollercoaster. Director: Hansal Mehta Main cast: Nushrat Bharucha, Rajkummar Rao RT score: 75% IMDb rating: 6.6 Genre: Comedy, Drama...
Description- Unimaginative recreation of a predictable horror storyline with drab humor leaves the audience spiritless Director: Vivy Kathiresan Written by: Vivy Kathiresan Produced by: Krishna Chaitanya Main Cast:...
THE NEW MUTANTS MOVIE STORY The story is about five young mutants who are unaware of their full potential. They are held captive at a secret facility to ‘cure’ them of their immense powers. Adventure happens when all...
‘The Boys in the Band’ Movie Review Critics rating: 4/5 Critics comment: “When a group of gay friends throws a birthday party for their prickly pal, the evening soon turns sour.” Director: Joe Mantello...
Serious Men is a movie that tells a satirical story and does it well. It keeps the theme and plots simple while delivering on the quality. Based on Manu Joseph’s novel of the same name, the book feels original and...
It is difficult that if you have been in town and have missed the buzz around the Gujarati movie Reva. This movie lives up to the expectation and is a pleasure to watch. The audience who like meaningful movies and like...
Now here is this young man who wants to pursue all his dreams and is ready to do anything to achieve his dreams. Amidst of his pursuing, he is consistently disturbed by severe nightmares. The question is whether these...